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Jun 24, 2023

Today, Mayor Lenny Curry joined the Public Works Department, Haskell, and A&E Engineering for a groundbreaking ceremony in San Marco.

"This LaSalle Street Pump station will be an important tool to address chronic flooding in the San Marco community and protect these citizens and their property," said Mayor Lenny Curry. "This project would not be possible without the revenue from the Local Option Gas Tax and the Jobs for Jax program."Unlike other areas of the city, San Marco's geography is shaped like a bowl, which means that it is very difficult for rainwater that collects in the middle of the neighborhood to flow out to the river. This is especially challenging when high tides are prevalent. This type of geography and condition eliminates a way of naturally draining to the river without mechanical pumping."This groundbreaking represents a long-term, shared community commitment to growth, change and improved quality of life in this neighborhood," said Bryan Bedell, Vice President & Market Leader – Water. "Haskell is proud to be the design-builder on a project where local leaders, policymakers, and community members have come together to make this shared vision a possibility."The LaSalle Street Pump Station project will reduce stormwater flooding on LaSalle Street and the surrounding neighborhood. The new pump station is one of a series of planned improvements to the stormwater collection system in the San Marco neighborhood. Once constructed, this project will significantly reduce adverse flood impacts, which will result in cost-savings and allow residents and businesses within the basin to bounce back more quickly after storm events.