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Doctor Plunges to Death Down Elevator Shaft While Trying to Rescue Woman

May 09, 2023

A beloved doctor in Argentina died after falling down an elevator shaft while trying to help his neighbor who had been locked inside.

The sudden death of gynecologist Germán Cipulli, 55, has sent shock waves through the local scientific community in the city of Rosario, daily newspaper La Nación reported.

The incident took place Sunday at approximately 4:30 p.m. local time. Cipulli fell through the gap between the elevator and the door frame, falling from the second floor to the third basement, according to a judicial source, the newspaper said. He died instantly on impact.

Emergency services were called immediately to the building on Luis Carballo Street, but by the time they arrived they were too late.

The father of two had had a prestigious career, serving as the president of the Rosario Association of Mastology and as a member of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Association. But his professional accomplishments were reported overshadowed by his warm personality, which many users have shared in heartfelt tributes on social media.

"The medical colleagues and colleagues are shocked by your tragic death Germán Cipulli," said Verónica Stoppani, a psychiatrist and college friend of Cipulli's. "I remember you as a medical companion sharing laughter and dreams, always full of life."

After learning of Cipulli's death, the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM) of the National University of Rosario, where Cipulli had taught and gone to college, closed its doors to arrange a day of mourning.

"The FCM regrets to announce the passing of Dr. Germán Cipulli, Specialist Gynecologist in Mastology, teacher of the Gynec-Obstetrics Area of the Medical Career of our Faculty," a post on Instagram said. "His colleagues emphasize his great commitment to the profession, teaching, and concern for students and students.

"The university community of the Faculty of Medical Sciences bids him farewell with gratitude, admiration and respect and sends his friends and particularly his family our most heartfelt condolences," the post added.

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Patients as well shared their experiences with Cipulli.

"With the tragic accident that Dr. German Cipulli suffered yesterday," said a Facebook user. "Rosario medicine loses an excellent doctor and surgeon. But society loses a flawless man. I was his patient and got surgery. Rarely have I met a doctor as dedicated and committed as him.

The user continued: "I had to see him in July. Despite the single medical-patient treatment, I will always remember him with sorrow and great affection. Beings like this are very difficult to replace."

The Palco Paraná tower, where the incident took place, has been a source of previous controversy. Three people were injured after an elevator in the building collapsed from the sixth floor in April 2013, according to La Nación.

Investigations are underway to establish whether the elevator was in good condition and had been subject to regular maintenance.