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Hanniel Park’s “Heritage of Machinery” receives EFTA award

May 18, 2023

Congratulations to South Pasadena High School's student award winners and exhibitors in the juried 2023 Expressing Feelings Through Art (EFTA) contest sponsored by Light Bringer Project. This year, EFTA awarded Hanniel Park third place for his work Heritage of Machinery and awarded Claire Yee honorable mention for her work Flirting with Art.

Awardees will be recognized on Sunday, June 11, 2022. Please join in to watch the results beginning at 1:00 p.m. on the Light Bringer Project YouTube channel. The virtual gallery will be uploaded just prior to the premiere. After clicking the YouTube channel link above, click on "EFTA 2023 Virtual Art Exhibit."

The EFTA program seeks to provide high school students with an opportunity to explore their personal feelings, to strengthen their creative voices, and to acknowledge their success in a community setting.