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Rachael Rollins was forging vital path, so misstep is more egregious

Oct 14, 2023

Dear Rachael Rollins,

I’ll admit up front that I have little in common with you in the real world other than being a woman and a mother. But I have greatly admired you and watched your progressive advances and seemingly common-sense approach to reforms I think we greatly need.

To say I am disappointed by recent developments is a vast understatement ("US says Rollins misused office," Page A1, May 18). You had the world in your hand. You had achieved something no one else had, as the first Black woman to hold the post of US attorney in Massachusetts, and had tremendous opportunities to continue much-needed movement on so many fronts.


Are there potential gray areas here? I think so. But in your position you should have been far wiser than to step a toe out of place. Perhaps it's part of being an innovator, but once one reaches the level you did, one has a huge responsibility to straddle that line very carefully.

I hope you find a way forward to being a trailblazer again. I hope you find peace after this disgrace and, most important, I hope you don't sell out.

Vicki Brussard
