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Valve gave Steam store search a very useful upgrade

Jul 03, 2023

Valve announced a fresh upgrade to the Steam store search, making it a lot more useful so here's a run over what's new and improved.

Previously, searching for something on Steam would only take into account the name of the game. Good if you knew what you're looking for exactly but now it searches across more of Steam. The auto-suggest drop-down will now show suggested tags and categories, developers, publishers and franchises too.

First example is searching for SEGA, where it will give a few games and then the publisher page too:

Then you could also search for a particular tag like "strategy" and have games show up along with tag suggestions:

They're also now handling typos a bit better too, matching up names a bit closer so you don't always have to have the exact name to search for something.

All part of Valve's continued work to help visibility on Steam, a problem that has grown over time with more and more games releasing on Steam. It's a crowded market but now Steam has so many different ways to discover games, hopefully you will be able to find what you want.

See the announcement here.

Liam Dawe About the author - Liam Dawe